The One About the Jacket


My leather jacket is filthy. I'm pretty sure it's never been cleaned in the year I've had it. Frankly, I'm not even sure how to clean it. I don't even know if it's real leather (I know it's not, but part of me wants to keep the dream alive).

I found it at a Bloomingdales outlet in Miami's infamous Dolphin Mall (is it infamous? IT IS TO ME.) I saw it as an inferior replacement to my Topshop jacket, which I foolishly left behind on a plane coming back from Los Angeles the summer before. The cut wasn't quite as trendy, the sleeves were too long, and it kind of felt like plastic. But every good city girl needs a cool leather jacket, so it made the trek back to Philly with me.

Of course I needed to get the sleeves hemmed in order to not look like a tall baby in it. I took the jacket to my usual tailor. She was out, but her partner promptly remedied the issue. Sure, one sleeve was a little longer than the other. Nobody's perfect. You can really only notice it when you squint. Right, guys? RIGHT?

I wore that jacket everywhere that spring before it got too hot. It kept me warm through debauched college parties, study sessions, play rehearsals, concerts, the whole nine yards. I pulled it out once again this fall when I moved to New York. Maybe it's not the most on-trend, but it makes me feel like I actually belong here. It's the finishing touch on any hard-femme look I try to pull off. It's even pretty work-appropriate (for my office, at least). It makes me feel like one of the Cool Girls, even if I am such a dork that I dedicated an entire blog post to a dirty "leather" jacket.


Did this sound weird? Probably. In an attempt to kick my creative ass back into shape, I'm doing BlogHer's NaBloPoMo challenge (yes, I'm aware that I'm starting late, why would this project be different from anything else I've done). Check out this month's prompts here! And if you want to keep up with this nonsense, follow me on Bloglovin.


Finishing The Hat