Five Reasons Why Fall is the Superior Season


I have a confession to make. I, Charlotte Dow, am a basic fall bitch.Tomorrow is the first day of fall and I couldn't be more excited. Don't get me wrong, every season has its perks. My fragile constitution just can't handle the extremes of summer and winter. I much prefer the more temperate, in-betweeny seasons of spring and fall. Since spring comes with allergies that have me sniveling for weeks, that leaves fall as the supreme. I feel like fall never really got the respect it deserved until recently. Now every #brand cashes in on the change of seasons well before the calendar even turns to September. I don't even mind the fall-sploitation. Bring on the pumpkin-flavored everything.Not convinced? Here are five reasons why fall is the superior season.

1. New TV Shows! New Theatre! New Everything!

The drop in temperature gives us all plenty of excuses to stay inside and enjoy an avalanche of new entertainment. September and October are chock full of season and series premieres on TV. I'm particularly looking forward to the returns of The Leftovers and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Luckily, they both air on Sundays, so I can balance the completely grim with the completely silly. Plus, as I mentioned in my Broadway on a budget post, the new theatre season has plenty to offer. Between Allegiance, Spring Awakening, Fiddler on the Roof, and King Charles III, my sippy cup full of theatre wine runneth over.

2. Dat Fall Foliage, Tho

While I still live in the northeast, I feel like I haven't seen fall in its full glory since I moved to the city. The lack of trees is a bit of a problem and I haven't had a ton of chances to go frolic in a pumpkin patch (or whatever it is that country folk do this time of year). This year, I'm determined to get in some quality time with the changing landscape. The vibrance of the fall colors up here make the brutal winters almost worth it. Almost.


I mean, this should be reason enough to love fall. Yeah, putting together a costume (and plans) for Halloween tends to stress me out, but the night is so fun that I don't even care. I'm not a huge fan of horror, but I love getting a little spooky. I'm so ready for some witchy-themed drinks, Hocus Pocus reruns, and thinkpieces on the occult. Plus, adorably-packaged candy never really gets old.

4. Peak Sweater Season

Once we hit about mid-October, I start rocking my cold-weather uniform: boots, leggings/pants, and a comfy sweater. I'll admit, this ensemble does kind of lose its charm around February, but fall is a time to enjoy the novelty of being fully-covered and cozy. After months of freezing in my over air-conditioned office, I can wear something warm without sweating through my commute. I truly thrive in jewel-toned cashmere.

5. Pumpkin. Beer.

Do I really need to justify this one?Now that I've convinced you all of autumn's superiority, what are you looking forward to this season? If you're in New York, Buzzfeed has compiled a list of killer fall activities in and around the city.I have truly proved myself basic. Pass me a PSL.


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